If you’re a frequent visitor of my blog, you might already know that Fred and I are Sun Life Insurance policyholders. We’re diligently paying them every quarter and early this year, we had plans of getting different policies for Louise and Martina. After months of researching, contacting advisors and weighing priorities, I still haven’t decided what to get for my daughters.
This is why last October 18, 2017, together with other Cebu Bloggers, I decided to attend Sun Life Financial’s Live Brighter Forum held at Cebu Parklane International Hotel. It’s a FREE event which focused on how to live a brighter life (financial freedom) and encouraging attendees to be heroes of Sun Life (become Financial Advisors).
Why Sun Life Financial
The first part of the event was learning about Sun Life. The details being discussed are the reasons why Fred and I chose it over other insurance companies:
- Sun Life started in the Philippines in the year 1895, making it the 1st and oldest life insurance in the country.
- No. 1 Insurance company in terms of premiums for 6 straight years (2011-2016)
- Won Employer of the year award
- Large Nationwide presence
- The only insurance company in the TOP 100 Brands in the Philippines.
- Won Best Customer Experience Award (Trimetric)
How to Live a Brighter Life
The next topic of the event was about financial literacy. Ever heard of the statement “Financial Ignorance is expensive.“? Have you ever realized how much money you’ve lost because you did not manage it properly? Well, I do, and the feeling sucks honestly. “I could have saved this amount if only…” , sounds familiar?
Saving for education, retirement, business, car, house or travel is good, time deposits are better but then, they’re not enough because of what we call inflation. This is where Financial Advisors come in, to guide someone in making financial decisions, specifically in making investments, and to make people’s dream a reality. In short, they are somebody’s HERO.
Sun Life as a Business
The forum gave emphasis on the fact that being a Sun Life Advisor is not working for Sun Life but actually being a partner. Benefits were also discussed which includes: a place to work, sales tools like laptops, free training, facilitation of Government and Regulatory Licenses, advertising and promotion, and rewarding compensations.
Be Inspired from the Speaker
Last part of the event was hearing a story of Churchill Bejemino, a Regional Sales Manager from Negros Occidental. Mr. Bejemino came from a poor family but through his partnership with Sun Life, he was not only able to help his family and improve his career, he’s also able to help other people who followed his footsteps.
So, “Are you living to WORK, or working to Live“? Actually, I have asked myself this question many times already and honestly, I’m even thinking of becoming a Sun Life advisor myself in the future and manage my daughters’ soon-to-be accounts. If you’re interested just like me, then start by attending Live Brighter Forum and approach Sun Life Advisor you know for guidance regarding the process and requirements.
Cebu Bloggers During the Sun Life #LiveBrighter Forum with the Speakers