Jpark Island Resort and Waterpark is a 5-star luxury resort located in Mactan, Cebu. In my previous post, I shared the reasons why we found the place worth every penny we spent. The place is amazingly fun and relaxing but do you know who will enjoy the most? KIDS! And here’s why:
1. Impressive Swimming Pools
Jpark has 5 pools, each is uniquely designed for all day fun under the sun.
Pool 1: Island Pool (Depth: 3.5 – 5 ft)
Pool 2: Amazon River (Depth:3.5 ft)
Pool 3: Wave Rider (Depth:3.5 ft)
Pool 4: Captain Hook’s Pool (Depth: 1.6 ft)
Pool 5: Toddler’s Pool (Depth: 1.6 ft)
If you’re wondering why my kids are not in the photos, well, blame it to their tantrums. I’m sure the rest of mommy bloggers out there can relate – that not all times our kids will cooperate.
2. Outdoor Children’s Playground
It was early morning, we just finished our breakfast and look who wouldn’t want to stop playing? She even requested for a photo taken with Minions!
Beside the playground, there’s also a basketball court and a mini golf area.
3. Wide Open Green Space
One disadvantage of living within a city is the lack of wide open spaces where our kids can enjoy the freedom of running. That’s why when Louise saw this area, I just let her run and have fun.
4. Children’s Playroom
If you have a nanny with you or a relative, Jpark’s children’s playroom is surely the answer if you want to spend some sweet moments alone with your husband. In our case though, we checked in here while waiting for our departure schedule.
5. Joy Camp
If you have 4-12 year old kids, Joy Camp is a must try for them.
6. Game Room
Love playing table tennis with your kid? Then don’t leave Jpark without letting him/her in in this place.
7. The Sand and the Beach
Last but not the least, the beach! Don’t be like us though, we got so overwhelmed of the pools that we had no energy anymore to enjoy at the beach. Luckily, I was able to take this photo, our birthday girl on that day!
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