Money & Shopping

Buying Authentic Longchamp Bag in Cebu, Philippines

January 15, 2024
Longchamp Le Pliage bag in Cebu

Longchamp is a French leather goods company, founded in Paris in 1948, offering luxury leather-covered pipes before expanding into small leather goods like women’s handbags in 1971.

To be honest, at first, I had no plans of buying any bag from Longchamp because I saw a lot of older women using their Le Pliage collection. But as I’m nearing my 40’s, I started loving the simplicity of their designs, not so loud, and made of high-quality leather and materials. The bag that I planned to buy was the Longchamp Le Pliage Original Top Handle Bag S Navy.

Rustan’s is my go-to online shop for designer bags’ prices to give me an idea of how much to save. And thankfully, Longchamp has an official store nearby – LONGCHAMP RUSTAN’S AYALA CENTER CEBU. See the details below:

Many online sellers are offering more affordable Longchamp products. I am in no position to judge whether they are offering real or fake but for my peace of mind, I waited for the moment that I could finally afford to buy the bag from Rustan’s store.

And finally, after a few months of saving, I bought my first-ever Longchamp bag. It will probably be my only Longchamp bag as I am in the process of collecting bags from different designer brands. Check out my video below for my buying experience that day:

So far, I have used this bag more than 10 times already as of this posting. I love it so much because I can put a lot of stuff and there’s a pocket inside where I can safely place my phone. Can’t wait to buy a new bag this year from another designer brand! And yes, I can only afford 1 pricey bag (for me ha) each year.

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