Almost all household these days are using internet, may it be for work, schooling, payments, entertainment and shopping. Using mobile data is pretty common already but when we’re at home, we all want that fast, secured and unlimited internet connection that a fiber internet can provide, right? And besides, streaming and downloading through fiber is just so much faster than mobile data.
When choosing a new plan, it is important to consider your current internet needs as well as your anticipated future data needs. Choosing the correct plan for your home is more crucial than ever because the internet is affecting more and more of our daily lives.
When it comes to internet, PLDT has always been one of Filipinos’ go-to choices. If you finally decided to start your subscription or upgrade but don’t know what plan to get, then you might want to check out PLDT’s PLAN Recommender –
To be able to get a recommendation from PLDT, the following data are needed:
- Internet-enabled devices at home
- Do video calls, email, browsing, and social media?
- Stream online videos and music?
- Play online video games?
- What is the typical size of your home?

I tried using it and chose the following as answers:
Internet-enabled devices at home = 4-6
Do video calls, email, browsing, and social media? = More than 6 hours
Stream online videos and music? = More than 6 hours
Play online video games? = 1-1.5 hours per day
What is the typical size of your home? = Bungalows or two-storey homes (70 sqms to 150 sqms)
And here’s what PLDT recommended for my household. That is, if we’ll upgrade, the Fiber Unli Plan 2099 would be the ideal plan for us.