Happy Easter to everyone! While some chose to have their celebrations at the beaches and resorts, us on the other hand decided to just go to the mall, after hearing the mass of course. Good thing there’s a Hello Kitty Meet and Greet at the Mountain Wing Atrium of SM Seaside City, at least our Louise had another reason to be happy there other than looking forward to buy a new toy.
We went there right after lunch, hoping to get an entry pass for the 2 PM schedule. The other schedules were 4 PM and 6 PM. While waiting for the registration to start, there were other activities for kids and I could see adults enjoying as well: face painting, balloon twisting, magic show and bubble show.
I had quite a bad experience with some of the staff when the registration started but in the end, we’re able to give to our Louise what she wanted that day – finally meeting Hello Kitty!
She did not cry, no signs of fear and it’s already a great achievement for her. Good job Louise! We’re now looking forward to have more Meet and Greet experiences, hopefully with the Disney characters.
Do you have Meet and Greet schedule for kids in your area? Here are my tips mommies and daddies:
- Be in the registration area early because most of the time, it’s a first-come-first-serve basis.
- Be there with a full tummy and an empty bladder especially for your kids. Tantrums are such a no-no, else you’ll end up either having bad photos or worst, leaving the area while the show has already started.
- When asking questions to staff, much better to have second opinion from others just to make sure. You don’t want to ruin your kid’s moment right?
- For a more fun and memorable moment, let your kids wear costume of the character they’re meeting.
- Have fun and let your inner child come out!