Few weeks from now and vacation would be over. Have you already chosen a nursery/kindergarten school for your little one? If not yet then this post might help you, that is if you’re living near or within Mambaling, Labangon or Basak, Cebu City. I actually gathered this list last February when I was looking for a school for my Louise. I decided not to provide the price list here as some of the schools don’t have the latest tuition fee amount when I called. Below are the details that I focused on during the telephone conversation:
- Level of child based on age
- Tuition Fee Amount
- Does it include books?
- Does it include the uniform?
- List of Requirements for Enrollment
- Schedule of Assessment/Enrollment
List of Schools
- Abraham Children Montessori, Inc.
Address: Cogon, Pardo, Cebu City
Contact Number/s:(032) 415-3913/316-5286
Website: http://cebumontessori.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Abrahams-Children-Montessori-Incorporated-197343223643762/
Note: You need to visit the school to get the needed details as they will not give it through phone calls.
Contact Number/s:(032) 415-3913/316-5286
Website: http://cebumontessori.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Abrahams-Children-Montessori-Incorporated-197343223643762/
Note: You need to visit the school to get the needed details as they will not give it through phone calls.
- Cebu Institute of Technology – University
Address: N Bacalso St Avenue, Cebu City
Contact Number/s: (032) 261-7741
Website: http://www.cit.edu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CITUniversity/
Contact Number/s: (032) 261-7741
Website: http://www.cit.edu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CITUniversity/
- Cebu Trinity Christian School
Address: South Expressway, Basak Pardo, Cebu City
Contact Number/s: (032) 254-3504
Website: None
Facebook: None
Contact Number/s: (032) 254-3504
Website: None
Facebook: None
- Kids Day Care and After School Center
Address: Siloy Street, Basak, Cebu City
Contact Number/s: (032) 261-9564
Website: http://www.kidsdaycareandafterschool.com/
Facebook: None
Contact Number/s: (032) 261-9564
Website: http://www.kidsdaycareandafterschool.com/
Facebook: None
- Little Angels Montessori School of Cebu
Address: Tres de Abril. Punta Princess, Cebu City
Contact Number/s: (032) 261-2850
Website: None
Facebook: None
Contact Number/s: (032) 261-2850
Website: None
Facebook: None
- Lourdes Kindergarten School
Address: F. Llamas St., Punta Princesa, Cebu City
Contact Number/s:(032) 261 5344
Website: None
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lourdes-Kindergarten-School-161956130536838/
Contact Number/s:(032) 261 5344
Website: None
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lourdes-Kindergarten-School-161956130536838/
Address: Grand Orchard Bldg, N.B Bacalso St., San Nicolas, Cebu City
Contact Number/s: (032) 420 2655
Website: None
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Little-Red-Barn-Fun-Learning-Center-327418690742663/
Contact Number/s: (032) 420 2655
Website: None
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Little-Red-Barn-Fun-Learning-Center-327418690742663/
- St. Mary’s Academy of San Nicolas, Inc
Address: T. Abella, San Nicolas, Cebu City
Contact Number/s: (032) 262-9959
Website: http://www.smasannicolas.webs.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Saint-Marys-Academy-Of-San-Nicolas-Cebu-City-130052557036980/
Contact Number/s: (032) 262-9959
Website: http://www.smasannicolas.webs.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Saint-Marys-Academy-Of-San-Nicolas-Cebu-City-130052557036980/
- University of Cebu, Inc
Address: METC, Alumnus, Mambaling, Cebu City
Contact Number/s: (032)262-8888
Website: http://uc.edu.ph/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ucmambaling/
Contact Number/s: (032)262-8888
Website: http://uc.edu.ph/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ucmambaling/
- University of San Jose Recoletos
Address: Basak, Pardo, Cebu City
Contact Number/s: (032) 417-9510
Website: http://usjr.edu.ph/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/univ.san.jose.recoletos
Contact Number/s: (032) 417-9510
Website: http://usjr.edu.ph/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/univ.san.jose.recoletos
For other schools that I missed, please send us a message here and I will gladly add it to the list above.
thanks for including us in your blog maam 🙂
No problem Teacher Mil. Louise learned a lot from your school.