Who among us wouldn’t like to make more money? If you added to your income a little, you could put it towards your hobbies, invest it in the future, or indulge in some retail…
If you’re a frequent visitor of my blog, you might already know that Fred and I are Sun Life Insurance policyholders. We’re diligently paying them every quarter and early this year, we had plans of…
–Sponsored Post– Buying a new car is something that my husband Fred and I didn’t think about right after our wedding. We knew back then that it’s a big decision, as big as buying…
The ‘BER’ months have started and we’re less than 100 days away from one of the most awaited celebrations of the year, the Christmas Day. It’s the season of giving and as early as now, some…
Before married life, Fred and I were really good savers. Apart from joint savings account, we also have individual accounts where we diligently save every month. Yes we have reached a big amount but…