Louise, as my first-born child, was the first to let me feel the different emotions every first-time mom would feel. The ‘ooohs’ and ‘aaahhs’ for realizations and new learning, the ‘wows’ for joy and excitement and yes, there’s the ‘eeeww’ for things or scenarios that even though disgusting, we deal and study them to see how our child is feeling.
Studying our child’s poop is one of the many things we do since day 1 of being a parent. It can be affected by many things, what they eat, whether they’re ill or not. Most of the time, it’s difficult to know when to worry or not.
So what really is the normal poop
If the color is quite unusual like red, then try to remember what he/she has eaten during the day. I remember letting Louise eat red icing cake, her red-colored poop really gave me a shock at first!
Poop type or consistency is really the one which is a bit scary for me. We all know what normal poops look like – the long and smooth types.
But when it becomes too hard or worst, watery and loose, it’s a different story. Years ago, Louise was admitted twice in the hospital due to diarrhea. And she has experienced bad constipation as well. Her poop was so hard that there were times she refused to poop. Those weeks were indeed very stressful for us, more for Louise.
They say prevention is better than cure, so here are the food and drinks to consider giving to our child every day for a normal poop:
- Load your child’s plate with fruits and vegetables. Louise is a bit picky eater but I’m glad banana is her number 1 favorite fruit. She’s eating it every day which has helped her to poop daily, without difficulty.
2. Drink more water. While most kids drink water without asking, some though are too busy to play and do
3. Milk that helps tummy to be healthy. Louise’s constipation before was mainly due to her milk, that’s why we switched to Nestogrow.
Nestogrow contains Lactobacillus comfortis, a type of probiotic which helps in the digestion and absorption of nutrients. Our child will have a strong and healthy tummy, thanks to these probiotics.
Louise has been drinking Nestogrow for a year now and so far, she’s growing healthily and of course, happy. Nestogrow is indeed the recommended growing up milk that’s perfect also for your child.
For more details about Nestogrow contents and benefits, visit their website at https://www.nestogrow.com.ph/.